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     Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

     Mail should be sent c/o ADC Theatre, Park Street, Cambridge, CB5 8AS


     The European Theatre Group was founded in 1957 by a group of students that included Michael Deakin, Trevor Nunn, Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Derek Jacobi - who is now patron, that took 'Romeo and Juliet' on tour across most of Switzerland for a period of just under 2 weeks. The tour was a great success and we have toured Europe on an annual basis since then.

     For 44 years ETG has developed a reputation at home and abroad for producing exciting, innovative interpretations of classic texts. We provide successive generations of company members and audiences with challenging experiences completely unimaginable elsewhere in British theatre. With Cambridge degrees only lasting three years there is a rapid turnover of people within ETG hence a close network of handing over knowledge and opportunities to future generations. The tour has now matured from its humble origins (half a dozen actors and a set transported in two fruit vans!) into a challenging coach bound operation for a company of 25, with planning beginning in March for the following December's production.


European Theatre Group, Cambridge, England
Page last updated Saturday, 20-Aug-2022 11:59:20 BST
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