The Director (Matt Applewhite) writes:
"The Tempest is, without doubt, Shakespeare's most magical play. It is a well-known and much-loved play, but no one interpretation of it stands out as 'The Definitive Edition'. Instead, the play has been re-interpreted time and time again to the delight of countless audiences.
"Common to all productions, however is the play's irrepressible ability to saturate the spectators' senses. Not only does it tell a wonderful story packed full with intrigue and mystery, humour and poignancy and deal with a number of weighty issues, such as colonisation, nature versus nurture and authority, but it does so with such beauty and spectacle.
"This is a spiritual and magical play, which tells the monumental story of a journey that begins with greed, power, treachery, rage and revenge, and ultimately transforms into reconciliation, restoration, salvation, love and grace. Magic, science, nature, art and grace all interweave in this most visual of Shakespeare's plays and Prospero's remote island becomes a testing ground for a reflective debate upon the influence of nature and nurture.
"I believe a good production of The Tempest should be irreverent, inventive, wildly funny, and, on occasion, passionate and moving. Its themes are infinite (as one comes to expect from Shakespeare), but the play works wonderfully well as nothing more than a gripping story and a visual spectacle with which to enthral the audience."